Jetindexer loads sites and their sitemaps from Google Search Console. For everything to work as expected, you must add your sites to Google Search Console and insert sitemaps for each site.

Add your site to the Search Console


If you have zero properties, you’ll see the welcome screen:


The first option to add the entire Domain is the better one.

Enter your domain without any prefixes like www.

You’ll be presented with the domain verification modal:


Instructions may vary depending on the DNS provider you use. For Cloudflare, Namecheap, and a few others, it’ll be enough just to click the Start Verification button, and you’ll be redirected to the authorization page of your DNS.

I’ll change the instruction from Cloudflare to Any DNS so you can see what needs to be added for any DNS.


I need to add this TXT record to my DNS, in my case that looks like this: