Webhooks are used to send data from Niched AI to 3rd party systems.

Whenever our scrapers detect new articles from sources that you’re tracking and you have a webhook configured for that project we’ll post data to specified URL.


Go into Profile dropdown and choose Settings. From the sidebar choose Webhooks subpage.

Dropdown click.gif

Account Settings _ Niched AI - 2 December 2022.gif

Webhooks are connected to a certain project so you need to select 1 project.

After that URL is required, where our system will post data.


Sending data

Niched AI is making POST request to the specified URL.

It’s using application/json header and has following structure:

  "title": "This is a Webhook test!",
  "html": "Seems everything is OK here",
  "source": "Niched AI",
  "url": "<https://niched.ai>",
  "discoveredAt": "December 01, 2022"

As soon as we scrape new article we’ll fire the webhook.


Niched AI expects status 200 as a response from 3rd party system.

If we receive other status we’ll retry up to 3 times.

Signing requests