Niched AI API uses access tokens in form of bearer tokens.

At this points there are no scopes or limits for tokens, so access token is basically giving full access to your account.

If you need scopes and fine-grained access, please contact us at [email protected]

Creating access token

You need to go into Account Settings section and choose API sub-page.

Dropdown click.gif


There you will see form with 1 input field for the name of the new token.

After clicking Create you will be shown access token, and you need to copy & save it. There won’t be other chance to see it, but you can always create a new token.


Authorization and content type headers

Inside every request you want to make to Niched AI API you should have Authorization header.

Content needs to be “Bearer {your-token}”

API expects JSON payload so you should pass Accept header with content “application/json”.


Making a request

API reference